Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Why Do I Do It?

I do this to myself every year.

I volunteer for too many things, all occurring at - or about - the same time.

Case in point.

I have been in charge of our parish's Christmas Craft Bazaar for 3 years now.

I know that I need to start working on this event well before September 23rd.

(Or at least I should know that!)

I am also on the Home & School Board for the kids school.

As fundraising coordinator.

Which basically means I am in charge of at least one event per month.

It also means I am responsible for requesting donations of items for each of these events.

So the fact that we have one large event this Friday (September), two events in October and a huge Holiday Breakfast event, all before Thanksgiving break is a bit much.

Oh, and remember the craft bazaar?

Well, I am at that point where I am getting frazzled.

Too much to do, and not enough time.

Hubby says I need to remember this feeling and learn to say "No".

Problem is....I have a hard time saying no to the kids school.

As a private school, there is a lot our kids do without, or we as parents provide, that public school kids get due to state funds.

So anytime I am asked to step up to the plate....I think about what our kids will miss out on if I say "No".

One of the problems is, while the school is a nice size (300+ kids), our volunteer base is very small.

It is the same people, volunteering their time, over and over again.

Which amazes me.

Our children, who all go to school together, all participate in various community service projects throughout the year.

Some events are done in school; others the kids do on their own.

This is to remind them to give of themselves: their time, talent, and treasures, for the benefit of Our Lord.

But why is it the parents find it so hard to give of themselves?

I remember what it was like to be a working parent with a full time job.

I really do.

But I still volunteered - at least two to three events a year, and some classroom help mixed in.

Yes, the tuition covers a good portion of what it costs for the kids to attend this school.

However, there is a large amount not covered by tuition.

And this is where our fundraising efforts come into play.

We raise funds for new computer software, new textbooks, and new curriculums.

Without our H&S events, their children's tuition would increase.

I wish parents looked at a Catholic school education as less of a burden and more of a chance to really live their lives, as they (are paying) to have their children taught.

Giving of your time, talent, and treasure to benefit our Lord.

So, I will continue to juggle my volunteer duties in with my other duties as a mom, wife, and homemaker...because it is a small investment to ensure my kids know we "walk the walk".

(Sometimes, I just need a few "down" moments to remind myself of why I do what I do)

Til next time, I'll still be...

Being Brenda

1 comment:

Michelle @ Sew-Krafty said...

Just a thought: If you say, "No", SOMEone will be forced to step up and say, "Yes". And if they don't, it is not your responsibiity to carry the burden of their irresponsibility.
This is said by one who had SERIOUS issues with saying "No"!!
Do what is in your HEART to do, not what is in your guilt-ridden head :)