Today, Miss M had her day. And it was a beautiful day. 78 degrees at gametime, not a cloud in the sky (more on that later)
She was Cheer Captain today...and a climber.
To her, that was great news. Not so much for me.
Being Cheer Captain - Great!

One thing Miss M enjoys more than yelling - climbing.
Now, at the age of 10, the stunts she does are not extremely difficult. But she is climbing onto other 9 and 10 year olds. All who enjoy giggling, and jumping, and yelling.
Here she is climbing on two other girls.
Immediately after I took this picture, two of the girls ended up on the ground - one being Miss M.
No one was hurt - thankfully - but this is one of my fears, as the girls do not have spotters. (I envision Miss M breaking an arm, wrist, leg, ankle - the list is practically endless)
I know, I am overprotective.
I am working to overcome this. I do not want Miss M and Drewby to be afraid to try new things for fear of getting hurt.
I do need to remind myself of this. Often.
(I have just realized how much I will dread next football season when Drewby moves to playing tackle football - and if Miss M cheers, the stunts become more difficult)
But, I digress.
Miss M had a wonderful time today. And their squad looked great for the first game. The only downside - their team lost by 6 points.

Not that you can tell, huh?
Oh, back to the weather. It was a beautiful day, yes. And obviously my concern for my children does not include sunburn. I forgot to put sunscreen on them, and both their faces are red!
Miss M even has the nice, angled neckline sunburn marks.
I will definitely be putting sunscreen in Miss M's cheer bag for next week's game!
Til next time, I'll still be...
Being Brenda
I was a cheerleader for nine seasons...I was the climber. The falling doesn't hurt that much. I think it's the thinner air from being up so high ;)
She looks so cute! And she is obviously having a blast!!
She looks like she is having a super time. I too would be the nervous mom. My 2 and a half year old loves to climb, roll, etc... I fear I may have many years of worrying in my future. :-)
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