So, I've decided to start using the free 30-day trial membership at a local gym. Both hubby and I got a free 30-day trial after booking Drewby's 7th birthday party.
I guess dropping that kind of money on a party has some perks.
Hubby started going last week. Went to a "Studio Cycling" class. Said it was good.
(He was walking - and sitting - just fine after the class last week)
So I went to the class along with him today. What was I thinking?!
Have I mentioned I haven't really worked out, exercised, or rode a bike in quite some time?
And that I am somewhat overweight?
So now, 9 hours after the class ended, I. Can. Not. Walk.
Or sit.
But I am choosing to focus on the positive (one of my New Year goals) - I did pedal through the entire 50-minute class. With some resistance on the pedals. (Although I didn't do much of the standing pedaling in class)
And I felt pretty good right afterward. Now - not so much!
Lucky for me, the next class I could take is next Tuesday. Hopefully by then I will be able to sit. And walk.
On a side note - I did re-emphasize to my kids tonight the importance of staying in shape and taking care of our bodies.
Because getting our bodies back into shape is a long - and painful - process. But getting out of shape took some time as well - it just wasn't as painful.
Til next time, I'll still be...
(not sitting comfortably)
Being Brenda
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