Miss M has the date set to get her braces.
Well, at least the beginning phase of her braces.
Back in October, Miss M and I went into the orthodontist's office for a consultation. After several photos of Miss M and a few x-rays, I am told the doctor will be right in.
When the orthodontist comes in, the first thing she does is show me the photos they took of Miss M's teeth and profile. She points out that Miss M's chin is set back too far - leading to her significant overbite and offset front teeth. (For the last 10 1/2 years I - and Miss M - have been blissfully unaware of this "abnormality" in her development.)
After many questions, and several explanations, I am presented with the summary of proposed treatment for Miss M.
For the first 12 months - she will have braces on her four top and four bottom front teeth. Her side teeth will have this:

This is a Herbst appliance meant to correct her overbite. It does not look pleasant.
Then after the Herbst appliance is removed, she will have 18 months of traditional orthodontic treatment.
And when is all this is being placed in her mouth? Thursday, April 9th at 8:10am. Holy Thursday. You know, three days before Easter - before she is thinking she will be getting a basket of candy - like every other year. Not this year.
She will be limited in what she can eat for the first week - only soft foods - scrambled eggs, yogurt, applesauce, mashed potatoes, etc.
We have to wait until April because, get this, based upon a hand and wrist x-ray, that is when Miss M will begin a growth spurt. Don't. Ask. Me. I have no idea how they came to that conclussion, but timing is good. She should not miss a day of school, because as a Catholic school, Miss M has off Thursday, Friday, and Monday for Easter Break.
As I tell Miss M this bit of news, she sits quietly. Then she states, quite matter of factly, "Mom, do you know Taylor Swift got her braces done at the same place I'm getting mine on?" Nope. Had no clue.
She either saw something on their Wall of Fame when we were there, or was told by one of the multitude of students at her school who also go to the same orthodontist. Taylor Swift is originally from our area, and one of Miss M and her friends fave's.
I guess my baby girl won't miss the candy so much after all.
Although she did ask for a giant bag of Swedish Fish next time I go to Sam's Club. Just to get her fill before she cannot have them anymore.
Til next time, I'll still be...
Being Brenda
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