Saturday, August 30, 2008

Labor Day Weekend

This weekend has been a whirlwind of activities.

Saturday we took the kids to the Real Pirates! exhibit at the Franklin Institute in Philly.

Drewby is really into pirates and knights right now.

The Real Pirates exhibit is about a pirate ship, the Whydah Gally, which was located off Cape Cod. There were actual cannons, guns, and pirate treasure on display.

Drewby was fascinated with the artifacts, and the fact the youngest pirate was 8 or 9 years old.

He definitely sees this as an alternative to playing football or going to school. He now has the pirate bandana, eye patch and telescope. He's all set.

Miss M liked the exhibit, but was more into the other exhibits at the Franklin, including the Sports Challenge, where her softball pitch was timed at 22 MPH. (And that wasn't even a good pitch.)

We trekked all over the Franklin, and even hit a show at the Fehls Planetarium. However, after the show, we found out the Franklin closes at 5pm.

I suppose I should have known what time the Franklin closed, but - I didn't.

And I had promised Drewby we could see the train exhibit after the planetarium show.

Did I mention the one other thing Drewby really likes is TRAINS?!?!

Needless to say, the entire drive home, as well as all evening, I had to hear how we missed seeing the trains.

Not that the kids were ungrateful for the day, or had a bad time. They just both chose to focus on what we didn't see - instead of what we did see. (I know, they take after me - as I also tend to look toward the negative and need to try harder to focus on the positive)

(Okay, I started this post Saturday night, then fell asleep - so here's the rest of the weekend's events!)

Sunday, we were once again helping my brother-in-law and his wife, by watching their 21-month old son. He only works weekends, and she is on bed rest, pregnant with twins.

So I made a big pan of lasagna and we spent the afternoon and evening at their house playing with our nephew. Once he was safely in bed around 8:30pm, our shift was over, as my brother-in-law gets home around 11:30pm.

It was a good day, and I know they truely appreciate our help.

The Monday we travelled from one end of the county to the other end, and back home.

We started at home, and just had to stop at Chik-Fil-A for the free chicken strips to anyone wearing a football logo. Miss M and Drewby each wore one of Drewby's football jerseys, and my hubby wore his Cardinals football t-shirt. I was the odd one (but I only really wanted a sweet tea anyway)

From there, we went to hubby's other brother's house for thier youngest sons 3rd birthday.

Hanging with the out-laws, um I mean in-laws, is never one of my favorite things to do. (But that is for an entirely different post)

So, we did the hubby's family for lunch, cake, and presents. (3hours and 17 minutes - start to finish)

Then we left and headed for my mom's house - Lizzie's. She had invited us over for each day of the weekend, and we had other things going, so Monday I was determined to get to see her. (Both for me and the kids)

When we pulled up - Kiki was there too, along with her girlfriend Kaleah. The kids and I were so excited!

I can't tell you the last time the kids saw Kiki, and I hadn't seen her since Neil Diamond.

So we all hung out, and ate a great meal - thanks Mom! - and just relaxed.

I love getting together with my family. And hubby doesn't mind to much either. He has pretty great in-laws (not out-laws, like I have)

Having Kiki back home from California (she lived there for 3 1/2 years) has been great. While she does live 2 hours away - it is so much better than having her across the country. We've gotten to go to the beach with her, and just hang out at mom's. Plus she will get to see the kids action in their various sports.

So that was our weekend - the kids didn't want to leave mom's house, but school was back in session today, and they needed showers and to get to bed.

We did make plans for all of us to go to the PA Renaissance Faire in October.

I figure, Drewby's gotten to see all about pirates - why not let him go see knights! And the Ren Faire to such a cool place - and Drewby has never been there. In fact, Emily hasn't been there in 6 or 7 years.

That's all for our weekend....

Til next time, I'll still be...

Being Brenda

Thursday, August 28, 2008


This is just going to be a quick update, because I am still feeling pretty down - and I am exhausted to boot!

On the puppy watch - hubby still says it's a no go to get Drewby a pug puppy for his birthday. I have not given up yet. I have until November!!

Couponing is going okay. I don't have much of a coupon stash yet - so I am limited in my savings. Last week my total was $3.55 in coupon savings. More was saved due to Club Card savings, but I don't have that total in my head right now.

My hubby has not yet decided what to do about his BFF's wedding in October. It has been decided - mutually - that the four of us as a family are not going. He may fly down to Florida for two days to go - but will not do Disney.

Miss M has handled the mean girl well so far this year. The cheerleading coach has separated them, and Miss M steers clear of this girl both in school and at cheerleading.

And yes Diamonds are forever. The Neil Diamond concert was FAB-U-LOUS!! He put on quite a show - sang all our favorites (Forever in Blue Jeans - mine, Cracklin'Rosie - Kiki's, and I Am I Said - Lizzie's) Then the three of us had an enjoyable evening out.

That's all for the update....

Til next time, I'll still be...

Being Brenda

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I Am Defeated

I had such high hopes for things I wanted to accomplish this week.

With the kids back in school, I would have my days free to work on the short (and not-so-short) list of things needing to be done around the house.

I would have been content accomplishing (to the finish) just one.

Now would be a good time for me to fess up to some things:

I am a perfectionist.

I suffer, in cycles, from moderate to severe depression.

I am prone to anxiety attacks.

All in all, things have been going along well. I've not had any days of not being able to get out of bed in awhile. My last anxiety attack was just after the 4th of July. Almost two months.

And trust me - the perfectionism must come in waves because with getting ready for the kids to start school, the house in is dissarray.

So, Monday came. I missed the kids being home, running around, and being needed 24/7. I kept busy, but wasn't focused.

Nothing on the list was accomplished.

Tuesday, I had an appointment with my therapist - who has me looking for the positive in situations. Tuesday was also hubby's days off - so he and I went for a 4 mile nature walk. Here's the positive - I spent some wonderful quiet time with hubby.

Another positive from Tuesday - I'm positive nothing on the list was accomplished.

Today - I had nothing scheduled. I was taking today to accomplish something on the list.

Nope - volunteer responsibilities for the kids' school crept into the day. As fundraising coordinator for the school, an upcoming event needed attention. I did accomplish those items; however, my short-list sits next to me - with nothing crossed-off or finished.

With activities and running each night of the week, I would like my days to be more controlled, organized.

So, I am beginning to feel defeated. On a course set by someone other than me - and not in a good way.

I don't like feeling defeated, and down - and I really have to try to snap out of it or I will be on a course for a rough spell with many down days.

Look for the positive.

I walked 4 miles this week. (Good for the heart and body)

I spent quality time with my hubby. (Good for the heart and marriage)

I got to write this out - which has helped a little, because in starting this I couldn't think of anything positive in the week.

Hopefully, to anyone reading this, it didn't bring you down too.

Til next time, I'll still be...

Being Brenda

Monday, August 25, 2008

My Little Man

Today, Miss M and Drewby went back to school.

It is hard to believe Miss M is starting 5th grade and Drewby is in 1st grade.

Drewby has the same teacher Miss M had for 1st grade.

I walked Drewby to his classroom as he was a little apprehensive.

The teacher welcomed him warmly. She showed him where to place his bookbag and bag of tissues and paper towels.

He saw several friends from last year.

Then he was fine.

So fine, he walked into the classroom without giving me a hug or kiss.

I was a little (okay, more than a little) shocked.

Is this the same little boy who held my hand walking down the hall?

Who needs to sit right next to me (or on my lap) whenever he can?

Who needs to be tucked into bed several times by me to be able to sleep?

Who would give me a hug and a kiss every hour of every day if he could?

Yes, it is the same little boy, although he is not so little anymore.

He is growing up quickly, learning something new everyday.

At the end of the school day, Drewby came running right out to me and gave me that big hug I didn't get this morning.

Then he and Miss M took turns telling me all the great things that happened today.

And we all went for an ice cream cone to celebrate the beginning of a new school year, and for me to remember my kids will only be little once.

Although, Miss M will always be my baby girl and ...

Drewby will always be my little man.

Til next time, I'll still be.....

Being Brenda

Saturday, August 23, 2008

How much is that puppy in the window?

Drewby has always been in love with dogs.

Big dogs, small dogs.

Quiet dogs, yippee dogs.

Even stuffed dogs (he has four stuffed dogs - one is as old as he is. He got it when he was born and it is still his favorite)

He has been asking for a puppy dog for half of his lie. He's six - so it's been 3 years.

At first we told him no because the dogs he wanted we too large for our small house.

Plus Miss M has a fear of most all dogs - she was bitten - twice- when she was 2.

Lately, his requests have been for smaller dogs.

King Charles Spaniel...smaller, but expensive.

Boston Terrier...smaller, but needs lots of yard to run around.

Well, the other night at Miss M's cheerleading practice, one of the families brought one of their pug puppies.

I had never actually seen a pug in person before.

This puppy was too cute. Small, laid back, doesn't require a lot of excercise (great for a small yard).

Even Miss M liked the pug pup.

The pug pup let Drewby pet him, Drewby let the pug lick him.

Drewby was in heaven. (I was, as usual, a little grossed out. I don't like dogs licking my face)

He then, very causually, looks at the mom and asks,

"How much did the puppy cost?"

After explaining to Drewby this was not an appropriate question, I did talk with the mom about the benfits and concerns with pugs.

I am convinced this would be the perfect dog for Drewby.

At 6 years old, he is starting to spread his wings and want some independence and responsibility. He does small chores and likes to help out whenever he can.

I look at this as a wonderful opportunity to provide him with a lifelong pal, but also a way for him to show his maturity.

There is One. Small. Problem.

My hubby. He wants no animals while we live in this small house, with a very small yard.

He is convinced he will be the one walking the dog, feeding the dog, and cleaning up after the dog.

I am not so sure.

Drewby has asked every single night since he first saw the pug, if he can please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please get a puppy.

He has told me he will take it for walks, and feed it, and play with it. And it can even sleep with him.

I think, no, I know Drewby will rise to the occasion if he were to get a dog.

He has waited half his life for us to say yes - he can have a dog.

It would make him so proud to know that he is responsible for the dog.

And, even though that means my baby boy is growing up, I think that is a good thing.

So, I have undertaken the huge job of convincing my dear hubby that we should, either for his birthday or Christmas, go ahead and get Drewby a pug puppy.

I will let you know how I make out.

Til next time, I'll still be.....

Being Brenda

Friday, August 22, 2008

Starting Line

Okay, so after reading so many bloggers who have cut their grocery bills using coupons, I have decided to give it a shot.

This was also spurred on by me actually finding - and cutting - several coupons two weeks ago and saving $5.45 from my grocery bill in coupons. (I actually saved more as we are Club Card holders to this store)

So, I got a binder and some trading card sleeves.

I went through all the coupon inserts from last Sunday's paper (grabbing them before they went out for recycling)

And now I have gone through almost every grocery store sales flyer.

I am ready.

I know our family has room to lose in our grocery budget.

With the kids heading back to school - I should be able to cut some spending right from the get go.

It typically costs our family $650-700 per month in groceries.

I am hoping I can cut that down to $350-400 per month. I figure by putting this self-challenge out here for all to see, it will help with accountability or willpower or whatever you call it.

Wish me luck!!

And send me any of your tips for saving at the store.

I will keep you posted as to my progress on this.

Til next time, I'll still be....

Being Brenda

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Back to School Time

I cannot believe summer is coming to an end.

Miss M and Drewby will be starting school on Monday.

Class lists came out, school supply and uniform shopping has been done.

Last year, we decided to forego the cheap "character" backpacks for the kids and invest in really good backpacks. And it was a good decision. Both Miss M's and Drewby's backpacks are in great shape still.

That is not good news to a 10-year old.

Backpacks - to my Catholic school, uniform wearing children - are the equivalent of name-brand clothes to public school students.

I had no idea.

Miss M is horrified that someone will notice she is using the same backpack from last year.

Here was the conversation:

Miss M: "Can I get one of these backpacks for school?"

Me: "No, we bought you a good backpack last year and it is still in good shape."

Miss M: "Please Mom?"

Me: "No, you're using your backpack from last year."

Miss M: "Are you serious?"

Me: "Yes, I'm serious. You're backpack is still fine."

Miss M: "You know, I will be, like, the only one using the same backpack. All the cool backpacks are like this (holding up a backpack the looks very similar in style - just a different color/pattern to what she already has - with a price tag of $59.99)"

Me: "Well, I'm sorry honey but that's just the way it is. Your backpack is in fine shape."

Miss M: "You so don't get it. This is the cool backpack - I will look stupid with my old backpack."

Me: "You will not look stupid."

Miss M: "Whatever. You don't get it."

Maybe I don't get it.

But we had spent almost that much on her backpack last year - with the intention that it would last for two years.

And she knew that. She spent hours (well, maybe not hours, but a long time) picking out her current backpack.

We also still had new uniforms to purchase for both Miss M and Drewby, as well as both school shoes and sneakers. (Miss M has moved up into skorts and polo shirts from the jumper dress.)

So I was staying firm on no new backpacks.

Then I got to thinking about back to school shopping when I was a kid.
(I went to public school.)

I always looked forward to that shopping day - the new jeans (I remember my first pair of Jordache jeans), new tops, and sneakers.

I always had an entire new outfit on the first day of school.
(My mom probably still has all those pictures)

Miss M and Drewby have not ever had that experience. Going out and shopping for a whole new "wardrobe".

Each summer, we go to one store - the uniform store, and buy clothes that look exactly like what everyone else in the school will be wearing.

They have other clothes too, but we purchase things here and there.

Never all at once.

So now Miss M has asked for a pair of Marc Echo Red sneakers.

They're a new name brand. Vanessa Hudgens wears them - or, at least does in the commercials.

The equivalent of Nikes when I was in school. And I remember my first pair of Nike's too.

So, I guess I do get it.

Since we skipped the new backpack, and she needs new sneakers anyway...Miss M will be getting a pair of Marc Echo Red sneakers.

I only hope she's allowed to wear them to school.

Maybe she will remember the day she got her first pair of Marc Echo Red's - just like I remember my first pair of Jordache jeans and Nike sneakers.

Til next time, I'll still be....

Being Brenda

Monday, August 18, 2008

Mean Girls, Mean Girls, What Ya Gonna Do?

Miss M has encountered a Mean Girl.

You know the type. Smile at your face, stab you in the back. Do what I say - or it's lights out!

I knew it was coming. She is, after all, 10 years old. Going into 5th Grade.

And (mean) girls will be (mean) girls.

This girl got in my daughter's face, and told her she was going to punch her lights out if Miss M doesn't "hang" with her at cheerleading.

Miss M only told me this week because cheerleading starts and she doesn't want to cheer all of a sudden. When I asked why, I got the story.

This girl asked Miss M if she was cheering again. Miss M said "Yeah". So this girl says to M, "Well, you better hang with me at cheerleading, and not ....(another girl)....or I will punch you in the face." (so not in a kidding voice - according to Miss M) And then walks away.

Now, Miss M has cheered for three years. She loves being allowed to yell, and jump, and - even better - climb up onto someone else and jump off of them!! (That's for another story)

So her not wanting to cheer bothers me.

But more importantly - having someone bully my daughter - in any way, shape or form- is so not okay with me.

I have talked with Miss M and told her to tell this girl "I don't answer to you. I answer to my parents, and God"

But Miss M is still afraid. What if this girl punches her?

What do I tell her? "Let her hit you, she will get in trouble."

(Yes, I know that's what I should tell her.)

But - and this is the mama lion in me - I want to tell my daughter - hit her right back.

Stand up for yourself. (Really, if I ever see this bully hit my daughter - someone better hold me back)

I know Miss M wouldn't hit this girl.

(Neither would I. But the parents better watch out)

Miss M will cheer. I talked with the cheerleading coach who will keep the two separated. (last year they stood side by side - same height)

That has made Miss M feel better.

I have also told her again..."No one can tell you to do something you don't want to do. You have the power to control your actions. You must listen to your parents, teacher, and God."

Then - in some light of wisdom from above - I told Miss M, if she gets in your face - be the bigger person.

Tell her - "You cannot tell me what to do. I am tired of you getting in my face. Leave me alone"

And walk away.

Now I need to remember to be the bigger person, and let Miss M fight her own fight.

Til next time, I'll still be

Being Brenda

Friday, August 8, 2008

DIAMONDS are forever!

I am too excited!!

Tomorrow night - I will be sitting at the Neil Diamond concert with my mom and sister!!

Who doesn't know - and sing along to - Sweet Caroline, I Am I Said, America, Forever in Blue Jeans and so many others?

I cannot wait to be there.

My sister and I are Neil fans, because our mom was a Neil fan. And we have a very cool mom - always did - just didn't always admit to knowing it.

We were raised listening to his danced around, and so did we. At times, we rolled our eyes as she embarrassed us. But we remember those times like they were yesterday, and each and every word to his songs.

We are planning a whole day event too. I am meeting my mom at her house a little after noon and we are driving together to my sister's house. We will all get ready together - then go to dinner before the show. We are spending the night at my sister's house as well.

My hubby is working this weekend, so he arranged for the kiddies to be with his parents, until Sunday afternoon.

So I get to spend this extra-ordinary day and night with my mom and my sister. Me, Lizzie (mom), and Kiki(sister).

I even took time for myself these past two days. Yesterday, I bought a new, too cute black and white top to wear with black pants. Tonight, I gave myself a mani-pedi!! Bright red polish now adorns my finger and toenails!!

After all, no one can go see Neil without getting a little dressed up!! I will wear my silver strappy heals, and put on a little bling just for the occasion. Anyone who knows me, knows I spend most of my time in jeans, shorts, sweats, and t-shirts. Except for Sunday church, but it is still nothing like tomorrow night.

But tomorrow night is special. I am spending time with two of the most amazing women I know. It will be a celebration of us. How far each of us has come in life. Knowing we are always there for each other. Supporting each other - in our times of joy, struggles, and triumphs. Being honest, both in praise and criticism - to make one another aware, better, and stronger.

Lizzie and Kiki are special. Without them, I would be - lost. They are my sounding board, my support, my lifeline, where I go to vent, for advice, for reassurance. And I know I provide that to them as well.

Tomorrow night, we will celebrate us.

And Neil of course, because Diamonds are Forever!!

Til next time, I'll still be.....

Being Brenda

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Mrs. Practicality

I do not delight in being the practical one.

Between my husband and I, I am always the person looking at the practicality of things.

In my mind, I believe that it is typically husband's who are more frugal and practical in purchases and spending; while wives are slightly more impulsive and carefree in their spending. Please correct me if I am wrong.

This role, of Mrs. Practicality, has just become painfully clear to me this weekend.

Let me begin by stating that from the beginning of November until the beginning of January, our family is inundated with special events and holidays this year: two 20th year class reunions, eight birthdays (including my my son's 7th and my mom's 60th), Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's.

Now, we have known about these events all year. And as a one-income family, we have had to monitor our spending all year in preparation for these special events and holidays.

So, last week when my husband's best friend called to say he was getting married, we were excited.

Until he told us it was in Disney World. In Florida. At the end of October.

Taking a trip to Disney, with a family of four, is not a cheap trip. It is a financial event which, even in a dual-income family, typically must be planned well in advance and saved for. We are a single-income family, and we have not planned for a trip to Disney.

Plus, I am not in favor of telling Drewby his birthday will now be celebrated by the four of us in Disney. For an entire year, he has been asking for a birthday party with his friends. He will be seven and has only ever had one birthday party with a few friends. We have told him since last year, "You can have a party when you turn 7". That is this November.

I am also not in favor of telling my children that Santa (yes, Miss M still wants to believe) will be leaving less presents if we go to Disney. And, unfortunately, that is the cold, hard truth.

I have run the numbers many different ways. Flying, driving, staying in the park, staying out of the park, doing five days in Florida, doing only three days in Florida: I just do not see an economically feasible way for us to add another financial commitment into the mix at that time of year.

Hubby really wants to go to his friends wedding. I understand that. I have told my husband he can go to the wedding alone, but he will need to figure a way to tell the children why he is going and we are not. I am not trying to make him out to be the bad guy, but get him to see that we cannot always afford to do what we want.

Mrs. Practicality. That's me. Again.

Hubby knows, deep down, we cannot do this trip. And I know in my heart, he will decide the right thing.

Til next time, I'll still be....

Being Brenda

Monday, August 4, 2008

Home Again

Well, we are home from our mini-cation.

A three-day trip actually became a two day trip. Let me explain.

I know my husband is never on time. Well, let me clarify: he is on time for work, and was on time for our wedding (13 years ago this October).

So why did I think we would leave our house by 9 am on Friday? Oh, I know...I live in Fantasy Land. And it is a great place, everything always goes as I plan - with no surprises, and everything is within my control. This is a great place - as long as I don't have to leave.

Well, 9 am Friday came and went. We did not leave our house until 10:40 am. Now I know, that does not sound like a big difference. But to me, it was. I had planned (in Fantasy Land) that leaving by 9 am put us at the beach house by 12 noon. Plenty of time to actually get to the beach by 1 pm and spend a day playing in the surf and sand. Leaving at 10:40 am did not.

We hit afternoon traffic through Philly, and more traffic in Jersey than I anticipated.

So we did not get to the beach house until 1:45 pm. Not in time to see the surf or sand that day.

We did get to see some amazing nature at work that evening. Inside our gazebo we had this huge caterpillar start to make a cocoon. He crawled all the way to the top of one side, and began spinning his silk. It was amazing. By the end of the night, word got around the campground and about 10 kids had stopped by to see the caterpillar at work.

So Saturday would be a beach day, right?

No. Such. Luck.

We had probably the most severe thunder storm I have ever experienced while at our beach house. Within the first 5 minutes, we lost power. (This is the first time any of us have been at our beach house in a power outage - hubby was not happy)

Double whammy. I am prepared for rainy days at the beach house. We have two video game systems for the kids to play.

News Flash! They don't work without power.

Once the rain stopped, and the rivers, I mean streets, dries up, the kids were able to ride their bikes.

Oh, and did you know the pool in our campground cannot be opened if there is no electric? I didn't - until Saturday.

( You are probably thinking - why didn't you take the kids and go DO something? Right? I have learned the hard way - Do. Not. Go. Anywhere. at the beach on a Saturday. The weekly vacationers are arriving and traffic is HORRIBLE)

Electric was restored around 1:30 pm. The pool opened around 4pm. Enough time for Miss M to go hang out with her friends (she passed her pool exam this year and can go without a parent). Drewby had daddy take him to the pool for swim time. At six, he has four more year until he can take his swim test. (We hear how unfair that is on a regular basis.)

Saturday night was fun. Our beach house neighbors were down and had a birthday party for their son, and invited my kids over. They had a great time with a pinata and cake.

Miss M delighted in informing my that "Daddy is outside - talking to a girl!" At the age of 10, this must seem like a big deal: telling mommy that daddy is outside talking to a pretty girl. (It was the neighbor's sister-in-law) I did have to tease my husband about what Miss M said for, oh, at least 1/2 hour.

Later, the adults all sat around listening to music, talking, and having some cocktails.

Sunday was a great day. We did finally get to hit the beach. Surf, sand, and sun. And LOTS of people. (I typically do not like LOTS of people - more on that in a future post)

True to form, Miss M did not go in the water. (See "Cosmetic Enhancements" Fact of the Day for why) Although she did dig a hole in the sand deep enough to hit water.

Drewby, on the other hand, had a blast. Daddy took him out deep (to Drewby's chest), in the freezing cold water, and taught him how to boogie board. He had a blast. (I will post a pic as soon as I figure out how)

The drive home was uneventful. And the 3-day mini-cation served it's purpose. Family relaxation and fun.

I think we may head back for one last beach fling before school starts. Because, one day of preparing is so worth the time at the beach.

Til next time, I'll still be...

Being Brenda

Remembering Maria

Today, Maria would have been 39 years old.

Maria was one of my good friends. We met through our daughters - they were in Kindergarten together and danced together. And Maria was their dance teacher.

She showed our daughters, and many other girls, that dancing was a sport. It took skill, grace, determination, focus, effort, and sacrifice. All the while, showing them how to have fun and believe in themselves.

To many of her students, she was more than a teacher; she was a mentor, a confidant, and a friend.

Maria was a competitor. She taught our daughters how to compete with grace, win with grace, and most importantly - how to lose gracefully (although as a group, they did not lose very often).

She was a wonderful wife and mother, a daughter, a sister, a friend. She had a radiant smile and could warm a room with her presence.

Maria passed away suddenly on June 9th, 2006.

Happy Birthday, Maria. Always will I miss you; Never will I forget you.

Til next time, I'll still be...

Being Brenda

Friday, August 1, 2008


We are blessed to have a beach "house" available to us whenever we want to use it. I place the "house" in quotes as it is really a 30' travel trailer with a permanent addition. It is located is a great little, gated campground located 10 minutes from two popular beach towns. It is about a 2 1/2 hour drive from our home.

Earlier this summer, I spent an entire day preparing from me and the two kids to head to the beach house for a month. My hubby works nights, and gets a lot of overtime in the summer, so it is easier for me and him for me and the kids to be at the beach house. Plus, he is not really a beach or campground person.

So today, I once again spent an entire day getting ready to head to the beach, this time all four of us, plus my mom (she owns the place). The only difference, we are only going for three days.

I have to ask myself: is it really worth this effort for three days?

I have to get the laundry done, all 5 loads - so I don't come home to it. (But it has been there all week)

With the kids home all day, breakfast, lunch and dinner had to be made. And all the dishes cleaned up. (I cannot believe the amount of dishes a family of four makes dirty in one day). I would use paper plates if my children were not so environmentally aware!

And now here I still am trying to gather clothing, shoes, bathing suits and towels for out trip.

I am not trying to be unappreciative or ungrateful for what we have, it just seems like a lot for three days.

And now my daughter has informed me that she will go the the beach if she has to, but she will not go in the ocean. (See Fact of the Day from earlier post for her reason why!)

I know we will have a great time once we get there. Having my mom in the van on the way down will definitely make the trip somewhat easier. She will help keep the kids from the constant nagging: "She's looking at me", "He's touching my seat", etc, etc, etc. However, having mom in the car adds at least one stop midway to the beach for a bathroom break. She claims the kids need to stop as well. (Funny, they never need to stop when it's just me with them)

My son will be in heaven since daddy will be along this time. When I had the two kids at the beach alone, by son told me he wanted daddy to be there because "He's the funner parent". This simply meant he would take my son out into deeper water. I couldn't do that since my daughter wanted to stay in the sand.

Additionally, the kids get a certain freedom at the campground they don't have here at home. With it being a small, gated community, I allow them to ride their bikes to the playground (walkie-talkie and cell phone in tow). They have made friends from different areas of the state, and have no responsibilities like at home - no making beds, emptying the dishwasher, or running the vacuum. We will have a campfire, make s'mores and have some old-fashioned family fun.

This will also be our last chance for a weekend get-away before back to school and football and cheerleading start.

So, I will answer my own question: yes, all today's work is worth it for a three day mini-cation. I get to relax and spend quality time with my family. And that's what summer is all about!

Fact of the Day:

I read somewhere (can't remember where) the word "ALMOST" is the longest word in the English language that has all it's letters in alphabetical order.

Til next time, I'll still be

Being Brenda