Daily musings on events in the life of a wife, mom, sister, daughter, friend and volunteer.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Campaign Central
For Student Government, that is.
Both of my kids have decided to run for their respective classroom Representative positions.
For Miss M, this will be the fifth year she will be running (yes, she has run each year since 1st grade - unsuccessfully - but remains determined)
For Drewby, this is the first year he is able to run.
Tonight was campaign poster making night. Drewby came up with the idea for his poster...and I helped a little on the computer and with the big cutter.
"Score a Touchdown...Vote for Drewby" is his slogan. He put his face on a flying football...very cute.
He is one of 12 kids in his class (of 23) running for class representative.
Miss M was in total control of hers. It is filled with a picture of her, her slogan "Your choice for a New voice", and traits she possesses which would make her a good rep.
Oh and we cannot forget the pink hearts, yellow stars, and green clovers...just kidding (about the green clovers).
She is one of 9 kids, out of 22 running for class rep.
Tomorrow night will be sticker making night (since we don't have the button making gadget we do round stickers).
And there is a strict policy of no candy hand-outs. (that was Drewby's first choice!)
Which is a good thing as one of the girls in Miss M's grade is our State Reps daughter. The one year she ran, there were helium balloons with her name on them as a hand-out.
I don't even try to compete with that!
Then, they will both have speeches to write and the weekend to work on presenting them.
Next Monday is Rally Day, when they will each give their speech to their classes.
And next Tuesday, is Election Day.
It is a busy week for a 6 and 10 year old - on top of homework and sports.
Of course, I am way more into this campaign than the actual political campaign going on. (On that front I am still undecided.)
As for our homefront campaign - I know who my choices would definitely be.
Oh that's right - only the students get to vote!
So I will wait (impatiently) for the results of this election to come in next Wednesday.
Til next time, I'll still be...
Being Brenda
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Why Do I Do It?
I volunteer for too many things, all occurring at - or about - the same time.
Case in point.
I have been in charge of our parish's Christmas Craft Bazaar for 3 years now.
I know that I need to start working on this event well before September 23rd.
(Or at least I should know that!)
I am also on the Home & School Board for the kids school.
As fundraising coordinator.
Which basically means I am in charge of at least one event per month.
It also means I am responsible for requesting donations of items for each of these events.
So the fact that we have one large event this Friday (September), two events in October and a huge Holiday Breakfast event, all before Thanksgiving break is a bit much.
Oh, and remember the craft bazaar?
Well, I am at that point where I am getting frazzled.
Too much to do, and not enough time.
Hubby says I need to remember this feeling and learn to say "No".
Problem is....I have a hard time saying no to the kids school.
As a private school, there is a lot our kids do without, or we as parents provide, that public school kids get due to state funds.
So anytime I am asked to step up to the plate....I think about what our kids will miss out on if I say "No".
One of the problems is, while the school is a nice size (300+ kids), our volunteer base is very small.
It is the same people, volunteering their time, over and over again.
Which amazes me.
Our children, who all go to school together, all participate in various community service projects throughout the year.
Some events are done in school; others the kids do on their own.
This is to remind them to give of themselves: their time, talent, and treasures, for the benefit of Our Lord.
But why is it the parents find it so hard to give of themselves?
I remember what it was like to be a working parent with a full time job.
I really do.
But I still volunteered - at least two to three events a year, and some classroom help mixed in.
Yes, the tuition covers a good portion of what it costs for the kids to attend this school.
However, there is a large amount not covered by tuition.And this is where our fundraising efforts come into play.
We raise funds for new computer software, new textbooks, and new curriculums.
Without our H&S events, their children's tuition would increase.
I wish parents looked at a Catholic school education as less of a burden and more of a chance to really live their lives, as they (are paying) to have their children taught.
Giving of your time, talent, and treasure to benefit our Lord.
So, I will continue to juggle my volunteer duties in with my other duties as a mom, wife, and homemaker...because it is a small investment to ensure my kids know we "walk the walk".
(Sometimes, I just need a few "down" moments to remind myself of why I do what I do)
Til next time, I'll still be...
Being Brenda
Monday, September 22, 2008
Anyone know where to find my husband's evil twin?
Seems someone has gotten my husband's debit card numbers, our address and has been having some fun.
We noticed some suspicious holds on our account over the weekend.
The bank was SO (not) helpful.
Until the holds actually come through our account we can do nothing.
In the meantime, we have had two packages delivered to our house.
One is from a company that has a hold on our account.
The other is a totally different company.
The wierd thing is, it is hubby's name, our address, but different phone numbers.
(If someone wanted to buy stuff on our account...why would they have it shipped here?)
Unless they know we are typically not home when UPS delivers to our block.
Which is the case most days - but today my neighbor, who is usually at work, was home and signed for the boxes and stayed outside until hubby got home. (One of the boxes is rather large)
Needless to say - we have spent hours on the phone trying to sort this mess out.
The Bank still cannot do anything about the fraudulent charges as they haven't actually hit our account yet.
So, we have to close out our debit cards and get new ones.
But can I tell you how inconvenient this is.
Not only with the typical stuff of having to put alerts on our account, and close cards, etc.
It just so happens that this week, this week, I have MAJOR shopping to do for a school fundraising event.
Now I typically do all my shopping with my debit card. I rarely have more than $20 in cash on me.
So now, I will have to carry enough cash - or continue to hit a bank to cash checks.
So anyway, if anyone sees the evil twin....get my hubby's identity back.
Til next time, I'll still be...(hopefully the only one)
Being Brenda
Friday, September 19, 2008
What a Week!
Mondays are our "free days" here. No one has any after school or evening activities. So that was my last chance to post.
One of the things making this week so crazy is Miss M's homework.
She is technically in 5th grade - but her and some other kids have tested for placement into 6th grade math.
She can totally handle the work, understands the math concepts - it is the sheer volume of homework.
She has 30 math problems each night. Most of which have multiple steps, with all work needing to be shown.
Add onto that, spelling - written word definitions, and sentences.
Then she has social studies - writing key words and definitions, as well as the occassional worksheet.
Then she has English - at least a page or two of various English papers (definitions, dictionary skills, etc.)
Then she has science - questions or worksheets or definitions. Oh and she has a biome project due in 10 days.
Then she has reading - typically review/reread the story and answer questions in writing. Or read pages in the current novel being read. (Big project subject)
Then she has Religion - which at the 5th grade level is very conceptual, and requires a significant amount of rereading and discussion. (another big project subject)
Add onto all this homework, which has been taking approx. 2 1/2 hours each night - two nights of cheerleading practice and two nights of field hockey practice.
Now the diocese has established homework guidelines for each grade level. For 5th grade, the guideline is 60-90 minutes per night.
I have talked to other parents, and this is not just happening with Miss M. Many of the students are taking 2 - 3 hours to complete the assigned homework each night.
Thank goodness I pick the kids up at school and she is home by 3pm. She ends up doing homework until 5pm when we leave to go to various practices. Then we are home by 8:30pm, she eats and finishes her homework, showers, and gets to bed around 10pm.
So here is my question, is this typical homework for a 5th grader? (Miss M is my firstborn - so I really don't know what to expect)
I also cannot ask any 5th grade parents from last year - as this is the first year the school has allowed advanced placement of 5th graders into 6th grade math.
What do you all think? What has been your experience?
Til next time, I'll still be...
Being Brenda
Monday, September 15, 2008
Quiet Time
Not to sound selfish - but we have had a busy weekend with rain, car troubles, two sleepovers (at our house) and two football games.
I am just now getting some "me time".
I don't get uninterrupted "me time" often.
And I have nothing glamorous happening during "me time"...just a clean house (well, okay - first floor) , kids are in bed, hubby is at work, and all volunteer responsibilities are packed away.
I love my kids and hubby - but I look forward to this kind of night.
No one needing my attention.
No one changing the TV channels constantly.
No flyers to create or fundraisers to plan.
And time to do whatever I want to do.
So - my choice of things to do tonight is odd for me.
I am watching, and enjoying the Eagles/Dallas football game. (E-A-G-L-E-S, EAGLES!!)
But I am doing this mainly because I do not have a great book to read.
I love to read, and typically always have something waiting to be read.
Lately, I've been reading John Sanford (detective novels) - but would like to expand my horizons.
Maybe a biography, or something else - where I can learn something new about history, a person, the world, or even myself.
So, I need some suggestions. What you've been reading, and what you enjoyed about the book.
Maybe then I won't spend forever in Barnes & Noble.
Til next time, I'll still be...
Being Brenda
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
I Think I'm Falling in Love....
Today was the Grand Opening of a new grocery store near the kids school.
Hubby and I just had to stop in the check it out.
WOW! WOW! No Really....WOW!
I have always loved the self checkout lanes at grocery stores. Much quicker and more efficient for me.
This particular grocery store chain has other stores in our area. One is even closer to my house than this new one - but I haven't stepped foot into that store in 10 years.
Since Miss M was a baby.
Yes - we had to fight traffic into the new shopping center.
Yes - we had to drive around to find a parking spot.
Yes - I felt like I was one half of an old, married couple with nothing better to do than scout the new grocery store (wait, I am 1/2 of an old - well not that old - married couple. And oh, we were scouting out the new store)
Now, when we walked into the store...there was a huge crowd around some kiosks with cell phone looking things.
I do not like crowds.
So, hubby and I walk past the crowd and begin to check things out.
The store has a very large organic and natural foods section. Great deli, GREAT bakery, great meat and seafood area.
And there's samples everywhere. (I love samples)
So, at this point I am diggin' this new store. It's not yet love.
As we're walking around - I notice several people pushing carts with these great blue and green canvas bags.
"What a great idea for improving our environment!"
Then I see these same people, scanning their items before placing them in these bags!
I was so excited!
I had to find out about this.
It is this great thing - you sign up by registering for one of their store saving cards - check I already have that.
Then when you walk into the store, you scan your card at this very handy station, pick up a small (cell phone looking) handheld scanner and shop.
(Did I mention the scanner has a special holder right on the cart!?)
They have also thought of everything.
Scales in the produce department to weigh and print out price labels to scan.
Regular checks of your cart and order to ensure honesty.
AND - the store has special check out lanes solely for people using this system!
And for signing up for this service - we got one FREE blue canvas bag and two flyers FULL of store coupons!
I cannot wait to shop at this store.
I am in LOVE!
Til next time, I'll still be...
Being Brenda
Hair Wrap Update
I have calmed down and realized that continuing to obsess over the hair wrap issue at Miss M's school does me no good.
The school has rules. We follow them, just as we try to live our life as our Lord would want.
I also realized, I was not living the values we are teaching to our children.
So - after I come to this realization last night I go into the school this afternoon to pick up some papers. The principal stops me.
Long story short - she starts discussing the hair wraps. She starts by telling me she praised Miss M for following the rules and doing what is right.
Then she states she was unaware of the expense of these hair wraps - but that she cannot discuss actions taken with another student with me. Just as she would not discuss Miss M with another parent.
I get this and would not expect her to.
We also talk about how all children are given a timeframe to correct any uniform/appearance violations. And that children who violate the rules are often times questioned more by their peers than anyone.
As she did not state this child will be made to remove the wrap, I can only come to the conclusion that she has made an exception to allow this student to keep the hair wrap. Due to the cost.
Miss M says she has seen other kids ask this girl why she has not taken out her hair wrap.
I actually feel sorry for this girl. It appears to me that the mother brought the cost, and indirectly, their family's financial situation into the school. And placed this young child the center.
While I still don't agree with the school on making exceptions for uniform violations, I accept that we live by the rules, and do what is right.
And this is a valuable learning experience for Miss M and myself: That in the end, those who do what is right, while not always easy, will reap the rewards. Doing what is wrong, pointing out the wrong-doers, will not benefit us and is not righteous.
Til next time, I'll still be...
Being Brenda
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Rules...and Consequences

So the first week of school, the children have a "Fashion Show" detailing what is appropriate to wear with their uniforms, and what is not.
You guessed it, hair wraps are not allowed. All girls were told, by the principal, to have them removed by 9/2.
And of course, Miss M's hair wrap was still fully intact.
So, Monday night - Labor Day, Aunt Kiki painstakingly used a seam ripper to remove the hair wrap and save Miss M's locks.
All last week, things were good in school.
Friday, I pick Miss M and Drewby up from school.
Here's the conversation that occurred:
M: "Mom, (girl's name) still has her hair wrap in"
Me: "Really?"
M: "Yeah, she said her mom (who works at the school as a teacher's aide) asked the principal and was told she could keep her wrap in. Why would the principal do that? All the other girls and I had to take ours out and we all listened. It's not fair."
Me: "No M, it's not fair. Are you sure you heard the principal correctly at the fashion show?"
M: "Yes. We were told we had to take them out. My teacher was even the one who asked"
Hubby was.not.happy.
Those hair wraps are pretty expensive. And I can totally understand not wanting to have to either 1) cut the hair wrap out or 2) like Kiki did, rip the wrap out and deal with the knotted mess of hair underneath.
But we, like all the others, followed the rule. Without Question.
Hubby was ready to go right back to school Friday and demand to see the principal. Luckily for me, he had to leave for work.
Had this all occurred on Thursday, I probably would have also been THAT parent on Friday morning. But it was Friday afternoon. I had all weekend to mull this over.
So, in a rare moment of brilliance, I decided to teach Miss M how to use her voice.
I told Miss M that if she didn't think this was fair - she should approach the principal for clarification. I am her mom, and will support her always. But I will not (for lack of a better phrase) fight her battles for her. She can stand on her own if she feels unfairly treated.
So on Monday, Miss M bravely spoke to the principal.
M: "Principal(P), may I ask you a question?"
P: "Sure Miss M. What can I do for you?"
M: "Did I hear you correctly at the fashion show - you stated all hair wraps were to be removed. Correct?"
P: "Yes. You heard me correctly."
M: "Well, there is a girl who still has her hair wrap in. Should I say something to her about it?" (this part was not completely done how we had rehearsed)
P:" No, and don't say any names. I will keep an eye out and when I see this girl, I will remind her it needs to be removed."
M: "Thanks!"
So we waited.
Miss M came home from school today.
M: "Mom, (girl) still has her hair wrap in. She said she was told by the principal she can keep it in until it falls out or comes unwrapped. But the principal told me she would tell her to take it out."
Now, I am more than a little disturbed.
Either, this girl is a great liar - and keeps well away from the principal.
Or, the principal lied to my daughter.
Either way - I am torn about what to do.
I do not want to be the mom that rushes into the school when something does not go my kid's way.
But I do not feel rules should be selectively applied either.
However, I know there may be exceptions made for circumstances, but then should that not be explained - as best possible - if questioned?
Please help me out here.
Should I not expect the rules to apply to all students? Should I not expect the principal to be forthright with my daughter?
Hubby is not happy that this is a school where morals and values are being taught but not reinforced.
Because what is it teaching the majority of the kids who DO follow the rules, when those few kids who do NOT follow the rules suffer no consequences?
Til next time, I'll still be...
Being Brenda
Monday, September 8, 2008
Miss M's Day
Today, Miss M had her day. And it was a beautiful day. 78 degrees at gametime, not a cloud in the sky (more on that later)
She was Cheer Captain today...and a climber.
To her, that was great news. Not so much for me.
Being Cheer Captain - Great!

One thing Miss M enjoys more than yelling - climbing.
Now, at the age of 10, the stunts she does are not extremely difficult. But she is climbing onto other 9 and 10 year olds. All who enjoy giggling, and jumping, and yelling.
Here she is climbing on two other girls.
Immediately after I took this picture, two of the girls ended up on the ground - one being Miss M.
No one was hurt - thankfully - but this is one of my fears, as the girls do not have spotters. (I envision Miss M breaking an arm, wrist, leg, ankle - the list is practically endless)
I know, I am overprotective.
I am working to overcome this. I do not want Miss M and Drewby to be afraid to try new things for fear of getting hurt.
I do need to remind myself of this. Often.
(I have just realized how much I will dread next football season when Drewby moves to playing tackle football - and if Miss M cheers, the stunts become more difficult)
But, I digress.
Miss M had a wonderful time today. And their squad looked great for the first game. The only downside - their team lost by 6 points.

Not that you can tell, huh?
Oh, back to the weather. It was a beautiful day, yes. And obviously my concern for my children does not include sunburn. I forgot to put sunscreen on them, and both their faces are red!
Miss M even has the nice, angled neckline sunburn marks.
I will definitely be putting sunscreen in Miss M's cheer bag for next week's game!
Til next time, I'll still be...
Being Brenda
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Are You Ready for Some Football?!
Boy were we wrong!! This picture is from the beginning of the game - hubby walking him over to the field.

And this was the back of Drewby by the second half....totally drenched!
(Just in case the picture is not clear - there are raindrops dripping from his one ear, and running down his hair!)
Although the moms weren't too happy about standing, um I mean, the boys playing in the rain...the boys had a BLAST!
And TS Hanna is still wreaking havoc outside - so it's movies and video games this afternoon.
Sometimes, I love days like this (although I could have done without standing in the rain for 1 1/2 hours)....just hanging out at home with the kids having fun.
Til next time, I'll still be...
Being Brenda
Friday, September 5, 2008
Goodbye My Friend...
A relationship that started slowly, a visit once a week, maybe twice, then built to an almost daily routine.
I could always count on the presence of this friend...everyday, without fail.
My dear, sweet, Starbucks.
I have come to learn, that like so many others, my local Starbucks will be closing its doors. Forever.
Oh sure, there are other Starbucks nearby, but none so convenient (as in right around the corner from my children's school)
The Starbucks where I would share coffee, lattes, or frappaccinos with other moms after drop off in the morning; where we moms would go after volunteering for lunchroom duty; and where I would take Drewby for a special treat while we waited for Miss M's French Club to be over (no I did not allow Drewby to have any coffee - although he has tasted the Frappaccinos and loves them)
Many will claim others (DD) have coffee as wonderful as Starbucks. For me, that is not so.
And while I could travel across town to the Starbucks which will remain open, I don't think I will.
Traditions are funny like that. Once something changes, the tradition itself is no longer the same. Irreplaceable.
So I will make sure to enjoy every last visit I make to my Starbucks before they close.
I will also be sure, in these most hectic of days, to enjoy every tradition our family has in place, no matter how simple, each and every time they occur. For we do not know what life holds, and it could change in an instant.
Til next time, I'll still be...
Being Brenda
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Gatorade and Ramen Noodles
I, somehow, have contracted this darn stomach bug that's (supposedly) going around. I haven't actually heard of anyone else having this - but my dear friend MiShelly says it's going around.
So, I will believe that somewhere, someone else feels as wretched as I have felt for the last two days.
Normally, I can continue about my normal routine of caring for the house and kids while sick.
It took all I had to get the kids up and ready for school on Wednesday. (Of course, hubby was working, so I had no choice.) I managed, somehow - to drive them to school without getting sick. (I also opted for the drive-through line drop off for the first time this year. Miss M was in charge of helping Drewby out of the van and making sure to close the door.)
I then proceeded home - laid down on the sofa - and stayed there. All day. (Well, there and the bathroom)
Hubby handled Miss M's field hockey practice last night, and I did actually cook for the rest of the family. (I did eat a little of the homemade mac-n-cheese I made for them, and regretted it all night long!) Then I spent the rest of the night in bed.
It always amazes me that hubby cannot get the two kids ready for school in the morning. Three mornings a week - when he is working - I manage to get the kids up, showered (if needed), dressed, fed, lunches packed, and out the door by 7:40am. Alone.
This morning, he did get them both up. Then proceeded to wake me up - to monitor Drewby in the shower. And help Drewby get dressed. Oh, and can I go downstairs and pack their lunches and finish making breakfast.
Hubby does try his best. He is just not a well-organized morning person. Maybe it comes from him working odd shifts, and being really out of it on mornings he is home.
I helped him out this morning. And proceeded right back to bed.
Hubby has Miss M and Drewby at cheerleading and football practice right now. I have continued my Gatorade and Ramen Noodle diet.
I must be feeling better because I have cruised blogland and am actually writing this. Hopefully tomorrow I will feel normal and be able to eat real food again (because food is one of my favorite things!)
Til next time, I'll still be....
Being Brenda